At quite short notice the principal guest W.Bro David Rigby, Provincial Grand Senior Warden, was required to attend a meeting of Preston Mark Lodge together with the RW Provincial Grand Master. The Pro Grand Master had indicated that he would be in attendance so as many of the “team” as could make were required to accompany RW Bro Beardmore.
WM W.Bro Derek Hedges
This led to me being asked to fill in for David and I was delighted to do so.
As is now customary at Southport Mark a most excellent Ceremony proceeded with the outgoing WM, Bro Tony Baker leading off assisted in the inner workings by the new WM’s brother W.Bro Roy Hedges ProvAGDC who duly placed Bro Derek Hedges in the Chair of Adoniram.
WM, IPM W.Bro Tony Baker and W.Bro Roy Hedges who conducted the "inner workings"
The Working Tools were presented by W.Bro Norman Jones and after the Keystone Jewel was explained by W.Bro Bryan Henshaw the new Master was Addressed by W.Bro John Ryan PAGDC.
The WM appointed and Invested his Officers and it was pleasing to note that all the progressive offices were filled by brethren yet to pass the Chair.
WM with PGM's Representative VWBro Maurice Evans
The Wardens were addressed by W.Bro NormanĀ  Jones and the Overseers by W.Bro Neil Latham PProvGReg.
WBRo John Ryan PAGDC, VWBro Maurice Evans PGJO, WM,
W.Bro David Karsa PGJD and W.Bro Malcolm McCathy PGJD
Finally, I myself Addressed the Brethren before bringing the congratulations and good wishes of the RW Provincial Grand Master to the new WM and his brethren.
28 members and 6 visitors then enjoyed a very convivial festive board all of whom appeared to appreciate a first rate Mark evening.
Outgoing DC W.Bro Chris Hamilton PProvGSW, VWBro Maurice Evans, WM
and WBro Roy Hedges ProvAGDC the new DC
To top it all off The Travelling Keystone was presented to W.Bro Hedges by the Master of Fermor Mark and plans are already in train for this to be moved on.
Words and pictures by VW.Bro Maurice Evans PGJO